Fota Rock Carrigtwohill


Registered User
This is an area I am looking to buy in. I have noticed that houses have gone from around the 280k mark to 320k mark in a very short space of time, presumably due to Amgen/train etc.

Alot of houses have gone on sale there recently. Just wondering does anyone know if there is something fundamentally unsuitable in this estate or is it just a case of people have seen their house price jump recently and are taking advantage to buy closer to the city.

Anyone actually live there; how long is commuting time to town in the morning, whats the area like to live in. Is there anything specific I should consider before buying there.

Thanks in advance.
I'd imagine its mostly people trading up. I looked at carrigtwohill a few years ago but decided on carrigaline instead. Similiarily houses are being sold at a fierce rate where I live now because the value of the houses have gone up so much that people can afford to trade up. You can also head into town by tivoli or through the tunnel.
The Amgem factor I'd say. The area will become a mini Carrigaline. Not yet, but give it a few years.

Semi D's in that etsate were at 200 K 1.5 years ago.

Thanks for the information; anyone actually living or have lived in Carrigtwohill got specific advice about the place
As a matter of interest...people who are trading up in Carrigtwohill, where are they going exactly?
Sorry for bothering people again; I was trying to find exactly where the Amgen factory will be going in Carrigtwohill.
It's being built in a place called Ballyadam - the next townland or two from Carrigtwohill. Just about a mile east of the town on the N25. The new proposed rail link will skirt the North side of the project.

It's just people trading up. There is nothing wrong with the area.The tunnel doesn't pose traffic problems anymore since they added the traffic lights to the roundabout.I know someone who bought a three bed mid terrace in Cul Ard (back of Fota Rock) for 202K and now it's supposed to be worth 300K. IMO this must be because of its close proximity to the city. It is the ideal "commuter town".
Ideal Commuter Town. Not much yet in terms of facilities but there will be in the future. With Midleton and the city so close it is not necessarily a

The new Amgem Factory will be approx a mile from Carrigtwohill towards Midleton.

The new Train Station will be located across from Cul Ard. Service every 15min late 2008.

Takes 7 mins to Tunnel & approx 30mins into the City if you leave at 7.50 - 8am. No traffic getting onto the Tunnel now with new traffic light system.
Just wondering if anyone can give me some info on Fota Rock, how many units are in Fota Rock, is it as big as Castlerock? How old are the houses there? Are there apartments and houses in the estate? What square footage would the semi -d / the detached be?

I've seen some houses for sale there and they look very nice.

Thanks in advance.