

Registered User
I'm just wondering if anyone has ever fostered children before? It's something I would love to do but would like to know more about from somebody who has fostered.
I have never fostered, but I wish you the very very best of luck with it. I'm sure it will be very rewarding.

HI ribena you might get some info from on this. Good luck with your decision.
my mam did it for years (70s-80s). we always had fostered kids in the house when i was growing up.

The ages varied from 6 weeks to 6 years.
The timespan in the house went from 3 weeks - 3 months until one day a girl came and stayed. shes still there 27 years later and is part of the family.

Difficult for the kids, difficult for the parents. Parents need to be of a certain type, and treat the fostered kids as their own. Think its more of a calling, me mam said she enjoyed it and is always glad she did it.

Not thats its a prerequisite in anyway but do you have kids of your own with routines in place that you can fit the fostered kids into?

pm me if you want any details. :)
while i have not fostered myself my best friend has/is fostering. they are on there 5th child some have been long term and others short term if you have a specific question i would be more then happy to ask him and provide you with the relevent answers.
Friends of mine foster new-born babies from just a few days old until the babies are passed onto a permanent family for adoption, or the mother changes her mind and takes baby back. They find it tremendously rewarding - but it is a real emotional rollercoaster ride.
Hi Ribena

Friends of ours fostered a little boy two years ago when he was 5. They had no children of their own at the time. The lad already been to 6 other foster homes. They had a very difficult experience to start with, in that his natural parents are still around and make life difficult for the child by 'playing mind games with him'. They told him when he would visit that his foster parents didn't really love him, that they only had him to get paid and that when they had their own child he would be thrown out again. Thankfully things have settled down in this case and everything seems to be going well.

Like the other posters have mentioned you need to be a certain type of person to do this ... and if you are I hope all goes well. Make sure you go into the job with your eyes wide open ... and try to prepare yourself for the consequences if it doesn't work out.
Good luck.