Former mod dropping by to say "hello"

Is Jed still lurking somewhere?
You probably mean jem. He comes out of retirement every now and again.

Memory Lane:
The mods who were around in your time were:
Brendan, Garrettod, jem, Clubman, Rainyday,Tommy, Rockflake, MOB, LiamD (Ferguson), zag, Alan, endowed, Marion

Trivia Time:
With regard to the sandwich: A special request had gone in for a veggie sandwich for the mods' meeting. However, you did not attend it. Your absence and the uneaten sandwich were, clearly, duly noted by the newbie mod (me). It was, I believe, my first meeting.

Imagine! you were blissfully unaware of that uneaten sandwich all this time.

Where's MOB gone?
Garrettod is gone.
Rainyday has morphed.
Clubman is resisting his addiction (with the odd slip)
Tommy is gone.
Endowed is gone.
Jem is still here (but posts useful and constructive comments in the important parts of the forum so I don't see much of him).

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic myself, and I'm only a blow-in. You old-timer Mod's must be teary-eyed!
While on this nostalgia trip, there was another poster who was around in the early days that I remember now - UDS. I can't remember if he was a Mod or not but he was a very impressive contributor and wrote in such an authoritative and knowledgeable style that I never dared argue with him.

I feel the same way about you
UDS was my AAM guru. The ultimate informed and balanced poster. He declined to be a moderator.


Sorry to take this back to the Long Valley again, but this is important. Lex, I had the Corned Beef salad sandwich today and it is even nicer than the beef salad. Someone needs to let someone know!
Sorry to take this back to the Long Valley again, but this is important. Lex, I had the Corned Beef salad sandwich today and it is even nicer than the beef salad. Someone needs to let someone know!

Hi Firefly. I'll definitely go for that he next time I'm in there. I'm actually hoping to pop in there some day next week. I'll post the report here but I know I won't be disappointed.

By the way, do you think we should start a Long Valley Appreciation Thread here? My only concern is that it might upset Purple?

Go for it, but the next time I'm down there you'll have to buy me lunch
Then there was that other moderator, whatsisname, yer man, the one who helped out with the IT side of things, you know the one.

For those of you who need some reminders of the early people, you can use my patent pending automatic early poster looking up mechanism below

You may notice a pattern developing.

For those of you who are really interested in the old days check this out -*/
Here's an example of the things that were exercising the moderators back then - - you'll see many familiar names there.

The policies were very straight forward in those days -
Please keep the heading of the post relevant to the topic. The moderator will change the heading if it is inappropriate.
Please avoid bad manners and bad language.
Opinions expressed are personal - opposing views are welcome"

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Hi zag

Apologies. I don't know how I missed you on the list considering that you were the first mod to close down one of my posts. (Myself and "bubbles" were having an interesting conversation.) I must have been so traumatised by that event that I blocked you out of my mind .

I have now included you in the original list. I have also included another mod missing from the list - Alan.

There were nearly as many mods as posters in those days.
