Form 11E Section K


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When would I be required to use Section K- Request for short notice of assessment for 2008?

Is there a good explanation with example in the

Perhaps if you needed to show tax due but the party reading the assessment could not see the income or claims amounts behind the tax amount.
Thanks Graham. I appreciate your help,

I am still confused Payable Repayable
701. Tax liab (bf preliminary tax)
702. Preliminary tax for 2008 110
703. Balance payable/repayable 10

Why do they have payable and repayable?
Where do I get 701 from? This year or last year

eg I paid 100 last year in preliminary tax but I know now I should have paid 110. I owe 10 to revenue. I guess 703 €10 Payable

Does €100 go under 701 (Payable)?
The total liability comes first. Computed from the return submitted.
The prelim paid comes next ( which you paid last oct )
The balance is the difference between the liability and the payment.