Form 11 - Remote working expenses


Registered User
Im trying to progress thru my Form 11 for tax year 2023. During the year, I added and claimed remote working expenses via receipts tracker regularly. So I claimed all of the remote working expenses at end of November 2023. My receipts tracker shows all of the receipts as claimed. I visited relevant section on Form 11, and it already shows a pre-filled number for Remote working already claimed via Real Time Credits. Im PAYE worker filling form 11 bcs of shares granted.

My question is:

1-) Can I trust that number? My claimed bills in total are 1226 Euro and I worked 90 days during 2023 as remote. The pre-filled amount is 368 Euro in form 11 for remote working already claimed value, which I can't understand how it's generated. And my amended tax certificate for 2023 (latest) shows 17.73 Euro under Tax credits section for Remote working expenses. (Im on 40% tax bracket)

2-) If I already claimed remote working and assuming it's paid to me via my pay slip. Do I still need to fill any of these numbers under Allowable Deductions Incurred in Employment? I don't want to double claim anything that I already did during the year.

I didn't do real time claim before so Im a bit confused.

Thanks for the help