Form 11 question related to CGT


Registered User
Hello all, I am Form 11 newbie, having to fill it first time this year, I am constantly Googling to learn more about it but I thought it wouldn‘t hurt to jump in here and ask few questions (sorry for being a bit lazy)

1- I paid RTSO tax in 2021 and I think I should mention paid amount in Form 11. Which field would that need to be done in?
2- I had Capital Gains worth of 40 euros, it’s in the allowance, but I think I need to claim the 1270 credit first then specify the 40 euro, which part is that done at? Can I pass any of the remaining 1270 credit to next year or is there anything I can use in 2022? I saw some fields about it but didn’t understand What it means really. I have no loss.
3- I got dividend as part of my owned US shares and I paid US tax on it already (taxed by broker) I think I need to pay the remaining of 33% CGT but I Couldn’t find on form 11 where to mention about already paid tax and to see how much more I owe as Irish CGT?

Thanks and sorry for the long questions.
The 1270 capital gains allowance cannot be carried forward.
The US share dividend is not subject capital gains tax it is income tax that is charged on it. There is a section in Foreign Income for US dividends.
Can I pass any of the remaining 1270 credit to next year
No. The €1,270 CGT exemption is a "use it or lose it" annual allowance that cannot be carried forward to future years. Capital losses can however be carried forward in to future years and used to offset gains. CGT rules are well documented:
3- I got dividend as part of my owned US shares and I paid US tax on it already (taxed by broker) I think I need to pay the remaining of 33% CGT
Dividends are assessable for income tax not CGT.
You should probably study this:
There are also many other form 11 guides available freely online.

Edit: post crossed with @bstop's.