Hello all, I am Form 11 newbie, having to fill it first time this year, I am constantly Googling to learn more about it but I thought it wouldn‘t hurt to jump in here and ask few questions (sorry for being a bit lazy)
1- I paid RTSO tax in 2021 and I think I should mention paid amount in Form 11. Which field would that need to be done in?
2- I had Capital Gains worth of 40 euros, it’s in the allowance, but I think I need to claim the 1270 credit first then specify the 40 euro, which part is that done at? Can I pass any of the remaining 1270 credit to next year or is there anything I can use in 2022? I saw some fields about it but didn’t understand What it means really. I have no loss.
3- I got dividend as part of my owned US shares and I paid US tax on it already (taxed by broker) I think I need to pay the remaining of 33% CGT but I Couldn’t find on form 11 where to mention about already paid tax and to see how much more I owe as Irish CGT?
Thanks and sorry for the long questions.
1- I paid RTSO tax in 2021 and I think I should mention paid amount in Form 11. Which field would that need to be done in?
2- I had Capital Gains worth of 40 euros, it’s in the allowance, but I think I need to claim the 1270 credit first then specify the 40 euro, which part is that done at? Can I pass any of the remaining 1270 credit to next year or is there anything I can use in 2022? I saw some fields about it but didn’t understand What it means really. I have no loss.
3- I got dividend as part of my owned US shares and I paid US tax on it already (taxed by broker) I think I need to pay the remaining of 33% CGT but I Couldn’t find on form 11 where to mention about already paid tax and to see how much more I owe as Irish CGT?
Thanks and sorry for the long questions.