Form 11 Query


Registered User

When completing the Form 11 there is a section titled - "Expenses and Deductions"(No. 128 -> 135 on the form). In here you enter all your expenses which are deducted from your gross profit to arrive at your net profit, e.g.wages, motor expenses etc

However, what confuses me is that further down in the form is has another secion titled "Expenses" (No. 150 - 154 on the form). It contains entries for Motor expenses etc. So how does the motor expenses item in here differ from the motor expenses item in the earlier section,i.e. "Expenses and Deductions(No. 125 -> 135 on the form).


I would ignore section 150-154( I think this is only for adding back a private element of motor and travel if their is anything to be added back in your profit comoutaation) Mainly for information purposes only