Form 11 for RTSO only?

Coconut Water

Registered User
Hello dear friends,

I joined a share scheme at work (Multinational) two years ago, and signed up on myaccount to pay for the tax. When that happened a I was told I would have to submit a form 11 tax return.

Do I have to fill in any section other than Share Options exercised, released or assigned in 2020? There are sections for employment, is that for self employed people only or should I fill that in even though I'm a PAYE worker? And I do get some dividends. I was paying the dividends through the myaccount before, should I start putting them on the form too?

The form mentions prelimary tax. Should I just wait my final RTOS-related purchase of 2021 happens, pay tax on it there and then, and then pay no prelimary tax because the tax for RTOS for 2021 will have been already paid?

Yes, you need to fill out everything that’s relevant, so employment income, dividends, claims for reliefs, etc.

Preliminary tax won’t be relevant unless you’ll have a 2021 liability.