form 11 cgt


Registered User

im hoping for a little bit of direction, filling out form 11, specifically cgt tab

I liquidated my company in 2019 and in Dec 2019 i paid the cgt due on money left in company at 10% entrepreneurs relief.

For example 50k left in my company and i paid 5k tax

I'm just filling out form 11 now, what/where do i fill in on capital gains tab.

any help much appreciated.
any ideas on this please? I realise i could pay an accountant about 300 euro to fill this out, but i presume its just a few fields i need to fill in, so was hoping for some help here.
Look at page 29 of the 2019 or box 801 onwards and you can take if from there.

Personally speaking I wouldn't consider €300 a lot for completing a personal tax CGT (even if only the CGT amount).