Fork-lift repairs

Male Doon

Registered User
We have two fork-lift trucks which we found were both out of action on our return to work this week. We called the two companies involvled and each came back with an exhorbitant quote for repairs. We suspect that this is a revenue-generating exercise to off-set lack of sales etc..does anyone know if it is possible to obtain an independant assessment of the faults and the costs involved? Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated...
I presume they are out of warranty? If so, one of the lads in the workshops of the companies in question would probably evaluate and fix the problems for cash if you can get in contact with them. I don't have forklifts but I do have other plant and this is the way I usually do it.
if its an engine problem any motor mechanic should be able to repair it in general fork lifts trucks nave basic van engines