Forgot to Send P35 Return to Revenue

Hurling Fan

Registered User
Hi All

Hoping someone can give me some advice on this one. I work a few hours a week for a small business - accounts work which includes wages and revenue returns. It appears I have forgotten to return P35 for 2012. Got letter from revenue today saying the company owes €4,000! Would have sworn I had done it but now it looks like I didn't as can't find record of it in ROS. Have a hard copy which the accountant used to do accounts for last year. All amounts fully paid for last year and up to date for this year and would have a good record with ROS. This is the first reminder we've received and no reminder in ROS either.

Can't believe I've done this but accept it a big mistake to make and feel sick about it. The company really can't afford this fine as staff on 3 day week just to keep open.

What is the best course of action to take ... is there any way that they will drop this case. Going to call them within a day or 2 to discuss but hoping someone could give me some advice before I do that. Thanks.
Don't wait a day or two. Contact them first thing tomorrow, and explain your error, frankly and honestly. Emphasise also that the return figures were compiled at the time but not filed. Emphasise also your good record with Revenue. You should be okay.
Just want to say thank you T McGibney. Did what you recommended, had to put it all in an email and it worked out. Fine waived on this occasion. Thank you so much for reply.