Foreign Property Advice


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I have purchased a site through an individual whom I foolishly trusted. This site was purchased over 4 years ago through a company, which I invested my money into.
However, I have since discovered that the company has been liquidated and the site has been transferred to another company, without my knowledge.
I don't know who to turn to in getting advice as I am reluctant to trust anyone over in this country. It is Hungary.

I wonder is there anyone in Ireland whom I could speak to?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi Commercial. Sounds like a common problem all around. I was in a similar mess. I had an investment in Spain in which 11 lad invested over 3 million and it was through a company who had a very detailed company structure for tax purposes or so they said. We were all promised the sun, moon and star. The administrators managing the companies disappeared when things went downhill and the money in the bank accounts disappeared. A couple of us tried to make contact with them but it was useless. We were in a terrible state as we all had investment 100k or more and it appeared that it was now gone. We took legal advise but that turned out to be useless too and expensive. We eventually found a very helpful crowd in Ireland that helped us. Not sure if they do Hungary though. I'll try to find out if they do eastern Europe. In any case good luck and hope all goes well.
Thanks Mchugh. Can you find out if they do deal with Eastern Europe, I wouldgreatly appreciate it
Commercial, I had a look for their business card but have been unable to find their contact details. I'll try to find an email or some contact details over the weekend. I think it would be well worth having a chat with them in any case as they might be able to steer you in the right direction. I couldnt talk highly enough of them. Will reply as soon as I can.
Not having any luck with the details Commercial. The only thing that I can give you is that they are a property advisory company out of the galway assisting on foreign property in Spain, portugal but as I said not sure they do Hungary. Not sure this is off any use to you though. I'll keep trying to see what I can dig up.
Commercial, I came across a business card book of mine that had disappeared and found the company we spoke about but I haven't called to find if they do Hungary. I looked them up on the web last night and they seem to be still involved in property advisory solutions as well as other related areas. They should definitely be able to help. I dont think I can put the name down in the forum but maybe try a google search for company in the West offering foreign property advice and financial solutions. If you have no luck, get back to me and I will see how else I can get the name to you. Not sure if the pm option is ok to use and I dont need another warning. Tis a bit crazy that I cant just give you the name but I guess the rules are there for some reason. Anyway see if u have any luck
You would be much better dealing with a local lawyer in Hungary rather than an international agency. The agency will only employ a local lawyer in any case and add their fee on top. I will PM you details of the person I use, who is extremely capable and trustworthy.
Yes you could be correct only prob is that sometimes its easier to deal with someone close by and let them then deal with their contact abroad. There is nothing worst than trying to get things sorted out from a distance with someone you dont know and not sure you can trust and not sure if they are doing what they say. Im not saying that your recommended lawyer is in anyway like this but I just found it so much easier to stay local
It's much better to use a local lawyer if personally recommended. International agencies only employ local lawyers anyway and if the local person is trustworthy and English-speaking, then it tends to make little difference in terms of communication and ends up being a lot cheaper, quicker and more efficient.
Well look, in my case it worked out fine and I was happy to meet the company here face to face and let them do the donkey work. I got my updates when I wanted to and didnt need to be flying over and back, etc. I guess in your case you were happy to leave it in the hands of someone overseas and deal with them by email or phone. I like to meet people face to face and get a relationship going. Everyone to there own.

Commercial, had you any luck with the company I PM'd to you. In any case, best of luck whatever happens.
Hi commercial
Tom McGrath is a well known int. Property solicitor, I have met him myself and found him to be a very genuine and honest guy so maybe worth a call to
Thanks everybody for your replies. I went with McHugh2008 and contacted They were helpful when we met and have sourced the best lawyers and professionals over there based on their experience. Overall I'm happy, because unlike going direct you can easily contact these guys.

The reason I am wary of using professionals over there as my first point of contact, is because of my experience to date.