Ford Focus 05 Squeaking Interior Trim


Registered User
Hi All,

I have a question and am hopeful someone has come across this before. I have a 05 Focus and for the last while there is a squeaking / creaking from the boot. It started happening when I went over speed bumps but now it is almost a constant noise. It’s driving me MAD!!

I have a general idea where the noise is coming from but wanted to know if anyone came across this before or has a suggestion what to do. I am a little hesitant at going at the trim with a screw driver but its going to be me or the boot.

Has anyone fixed rubbing, or squeaking anywhere on the trim in a car interior?
Suspension bush? Loose spare wheel? Loose parcel shelf? Could be many things.
Thanks for the response.

No its the plastic trim at the back. The point where the seat meets the boot and runs along the edge of the car to the windo.

Just wondering would it help to maybe lub the parts of plastic or would that be a bad idea?
The rear seat should clip into the release catches on either side. It shouldn't touch that plastic trim.
Thanks for the responses RS2K much appreciated.

I think I might try and get my hands on one of the star shaped screw drivers (sorry have no idea what they are called) and just try and tighten all the screws on the boot. I use a bike rack on occasion that I think my have caused the issue in the first place.

I have what sounds like the same problem...Did you manage to fix it? If so how?
