forced out



I am a shareholder and have been a working partner in a restaurant (within canada) for over 3 years and today I was informed ask to step down as chef of the business and to sign off on my shares?? By the President of the company. I am just a shareholder and not a director.

I was informed that I would get a servence package. which I entitled to by law as I was also on the payroll as an employee.

When I ask about signing off my concern was that the business is up for sale and I would lose out if it sold.

The director felt that the shares really had no value and that if the business sold we would be lucky to get what the directors put into the business and what ever was left over would then go to the shareholders

which in that case I would no longer be

any suggestions or steps that I can take from here
Bear in mind that this is an Irish site so people may not have a sufficient knowledge of Canadian issues to comment meaningfully on you query.