For all the Arsenal fans-end of season dinner dance menu


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Egg on Face
Seasoned Hash
Frogs legs (past their best)
Spanish Surprise (well beaten

Main course
Humble Pie
Chump Chops
French (has) Beans
Manager's Beef (not rare)
Catch of the Day - big lemon Sol (gutted)
NB: everything is imported, nothing is home grown.


Sour Grapes (may be hard to swallow)

Fruitless Tarts

Raspberry Fools
Hard Cheese

Little Spirit
French Whine
Cabernet Empty 2007
Champagne - sorry none ordered

NB: drinks should be consumed from glasses as there will be no cups this year.

Guest speaker:
Rafael Benitez - "What it's like to win the European Cup"

Please note that the club’s European Tour for the season 2007-08 is not guaranteed.

Great link .

Tell me-where did Hleb, Van Persie, Rosicky, Adebayor, Walcott et. al come from? Charity shops?

IrishGunner said:
At least we dont try to buy the league

If you could afford to, you would.

And we didn't try, we succeeded. Twice in recent years .
didnt see any reference in the menu to 'blind' pastry.

If I was Irina I'd plough all my divorce loot in to Arsenal, just to really get up the lovely Roman's nose.

As a neutral observer (albeit one with a very large soft spot for Arsenal's brand of football) I'd honestly rather be a trophyless Gooner watching Fabregas and Co than a Chelsea fan watching that dreary muscle-bound rubbish. Name me one Chelsea player who's exciting to watch? Exactly. There are none. Lampard? You're having a laugh. Robben? Makes C Ronaldo seem ethical. Ballack? Zzzzz. Essien? Great player, no flair.

As for the money....Chelsea haven't bought their success????

Apart from Terry, what other home grown player is an nb member of the squad? And add up those transfer fees!


Arsenal - Fabregas (free), Djourou (youth), Hoyte (youth), Senderos (free), Toure (free), Aliadiere (youth), Clichy (£250k), Diaby (free), Flamini (nominal), Lehmann (£1.25m), Ljungberg (£3m), Eboue (£1m), Van Persie (£2.75m).

United - Giggs (youth), Scholes (youth), Gary Neville (youth), Brown (youth), Solskjaer (£1m) and - - O'Shea (youth), Richardson (youth), Fletcher (youth).

Liverpool - who cares? The only Premiership club to make Chelsea look exciting.

Yep, Arsenal and United have a fair old collection of monster money signings, but at least they brought a few kids through the ranks, and they're the players real supporters warm to.

Chelsea are a rich man's play thing, no more, no less. Their second choice team should win the Premiership and the Champions League this season, it'll be hilarious if their multi-zillion pound first team fail to do it.