food on a plane


Registered User
Flying to New York tomorrow and just wanted to check this. What food can you bring onto the plane with you? Are there restrictions like the drinks that you have to buy them after security?
Hate airplane food and don't want to pay the extortionate amounts that they charge in the airport.
Just thinking of fruit and a sandwich.
I always bring a sandwhich or a roll with me on flights and have never had a problem. Just wrap them in cling film as opposed to tin foil so they are easily visible.
I always bring home made sambos on to the plane for European destinations, don't know about the USA but I imagine it is O.K. so long as they are eaten before you get there. Unfortunately you cannot bring on liquids unless you stock up with water from the water fountain, airside. I always bring an empty 500 ml. bottle through security no bother. I wouldn't bring peanuts in case someone has an allergy.
As last poster says , make sure its eaten before you arrive , you cannot take food products into the US.
On a recent visit my OH brought a chichen/salad roll from our local Centra , only ate half of it and on arrival at Newark a US Customs dog , Pooch , managed to sniff it out , my embarrased OH , duly handed it over and the officer examined it paying particular attention to the price sticker. "€4.20 - thats about 5 bucks huh? - must have been a mighty fine sandwich Mam!" and allowed her proceed.
Too late now, but in the future, at the time of booking, if you notify the airline that you are a vegetarian you are likely (at least in our experience) to get fresh, separately prepared, much better quality food.

Last time my wife got a pretty nice vegetable omelette.
cheers off to Marks I go! Thats a good idea for the vegetarian meal will do that next time! Thanks to everyone