Food ,Food,Food

Four Star Pizza - plenty of chips & garlic bread

......glad to be of assistance here
As chief cook and bottle wash in my house I really don't mind what I'm given if I'm invited out for dinner. I didn't have to cook it, it will taste wonderful!

I find mexican always goes down well though, whether I'm host or guest, very sociable food, bung it all in the middle and help yourselves.
I have a few "signature" dishes (which I jokingly remind my wife!):

My favourite is a simple goats cheese, lightly grilled and presented with a honey, olive oil and white wine vinegar coulis. Serve with a green salad.

Another simple starter is Clonakilty pudding served with the same coulis.

Cooked crab claws/ tiger prawns is also a real treat.

Main Course:
A proper homecooked lasagne, with a good salad is always very well received.

I love lamb and a roasted leg or rack is a proven favourite with most people.

Seafood risotto is simple and easy to serve up.

Any fresh fish is good, but sole, John dory and hake are my favourites, grilled and served with new potatoes and seasonal vegetables.

I like simple desserts like fresh strawberries and cream, ice cream and apple tart.

For a finish a shot of Amarreto with ice is nice!
Ohh, that roast lamb comment reminded me of something my friend taught me to make.

for each parcel you need

one sheet of silver foil
bacon slices
two lamb chops
sliced new potato
feta cheese
olive oil

place finely chopped garlic and rosmary sprigs on foil, a slice of bacon on top, then sliced potatoes, small cubes of feta cheese, chops balanced on top of that, a drizzle of olive oil (and I alway add some more garlic and rosmary at the top). Parcel it up and cook really slow and low for about five hours.

Has a fancy greek name but I can't say it, let alone spell it. usually done with better cuts than chops but thats my poor version.
Jasus Bubbly Scot, that sounds great.

Some people have PM'd me for the fish and Prawns dish so...

For the fish you will need:
Two monkfish tails.
Two shallots (or one onion)
One glove of garlic
One large ripe lime (or two small ones. Make sure the rind is in good condition)
One tin of chopped tomatoes
20 or so large prawns (cooked) (the tubs of frozen/chilled ones are fine.)
¼ bottle of white wine (dry)
a pinch of sugar

· Take two monkfish tails, remove the membrane/skin from the bottom and cut them into chunks about the width of your thumb. Coat them in seasoned flour. Pat off excess.
· Finely chop shallots
· Grant lime and squeeze juice.
· Pre-teat your oven to 180ºC

To cook:
· Fry shallots in a high-sided non-stick pan on a low heat ‘till they are translucent. Do not let them brown.
· Add the monkfish and fry ‘till slightly golden (this is mostly to stop it all breaking up in the sauce).
· Add the tomatoes, wine, lime and sugar.
· Stir well and place in the oven for 10 minutes
· Add the prawns and put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes or ‘till the monkfish is tender.

Serve with tagliatelli, slices of lime and the rest of the white wine.

Cooking times are guesses, I have never really times it.
Did my meal at the weekend, 5 courses

1)Olives and Manzanilla sherry

2)Bruschetta ,toppings tomato,mozeralla,parma ham

3)Marinated Lamb steaks of the leg done on griddle,potatoes roasted with rosemary in goosefat,french beans,mint sauce

4)Strawberrys and Movenpick icecream

5)Cheeseboard, goats milk gouda,cratloe hills sheeps cheese,camembert,grapes ,port and coffee

Thanks for all the suggestions

So what are you asking us plebs for ya gourmet!!