Food brands we cannot substitute with own brand copies

Betsy Og

Registered User
I buy own brand a lot, my therapist says it's self-esteem issues, I dont believe I deserve the branded version....

Anyway, I've found own brand to be every bit as good except for a few exceptions where the quality just isnt there, anyone agree or contribute others (or better, suggest substitutes that work):

Tea - Barry's gold blend. Lyons isnt too bad, home brand stuff is never as good, grey tasteless stuff a lot of the time.
Cornflakes -copies tend to be shockin bad, inedible. So Kelloggs on this one.
Baked Beans - home brand with pale beans and runny/watery tomato sauce -yuck. So Bachelors or Heinz.
Biscuits - not a big biscuit eater but beyond the Rich Tea type stuff I'm sceptical of copies.

Cant think of anything else (which isnt a bad sign). One product that now has many decent copies (but didnt up to lately) is Weetabix.
my therapist says it's self-esteem issues, I dont believe I deserve the branded version....

AKA your wife, I assume?

Duchy originals lemon curd. Other brands are horrible. Though it is possible to make just as nice a homemade version ( not homemade by me, now obviously: by my husband).
Heinz make many of the own brank beans.
Most own-brand corn flakes are lower in salt and sugar so maybe that's the "problem".

I agree about Mayonaise.
It's Kellogs Fruit n' Fibre or I go without!
The Dunnes Stores brand is cheaper but it's muck
Kellogs deserve their premium pricing

Chef Ketchup is the business, love that product.
Own brand versions are watery runny messes.

Fox's biscuits.
There are expensive but they are gorgeous, yum yum
There is not another brand on the market that can compare.

Listerine mouthwash.
Yeah own brand is cheaper but it's also diluted. You only need a small amount of Listerine so it works out the same value if not better

I'll go own brand on most anything else.
Have you seen the prices of Gilette razor blades??
Tesco disposible razors are the biz
There are very few brands I'm loyal to but some that spring to mind are...

Kilmeaden Cheddar - own brand versions tend to be bland and have a horrible texture
Hunky Dorys and Pringles - I've tried the alternatives but they don't come close imho
Staffords Crusty White Pan - The best white pan around
Odlums for just about all my baking needs!
Listerine mouthwash.
Yeah own brand is cheaper but it's also diluted. You only need a small amount of Listerine so it works out the same value if not better

Listerine - food brand? That your choice of tipple micmclo?
Have you seen the prices of Gilette razor blades??
Tesco disposible razors are the biz

I had been on the tesco razor blades (the double sides razor with jaggedy gap in the middle - you know the ones), but about a year ago I made 'the big switch' to an electric razor - was doing a bit of flying at the time and annoyed me that on arrival I'd have to buy razors somewhere, if I could find them, as was only bringing hand luggage and couldnt bring a razor in that (which was fair enough).

Anyway, best yoke ever, shave in the car on way to work (saves loads of time and mess) - eyes on road 100% of time - minimal attention required (if you were in traffic area you'd easily get it done while waiting at various lights etc), easy top ups headings somewhere of an evening, no longer not bothering to shave on Saturdays. Its a panasonic straight bar type (as opposed to the 3 circles type).
Think I'd add to this.... stuff we buy but should try making as it's much much nicer and not really that hard

Brown Bread
Jam / marmalade / lemon curd
Regarding Barrys Gold Blend teabags/tea, I challenge you to try Tesco Premium range (dark green box) half the price of Barrys and as good as or better taste.

Aldi's Baked Beans (red tin) and Sweet Harvest Peas both nicer than Batchelors.

St Bernard Fine Cut Marmalade,Rich Tea,Digestives,Custard Creams better than any big brands.

Flahavan's Porridge hard to replace with own brand.

Flahavan's Porridge hard to replace with own brand.


Plus they are a small co in Waterford, so that might trump pure economics even if they werent otherwise tops. On that note, any brands/supermarkets more 'Irish friendly' than others? I gather they all use Irish suppliers to a large extent (or makey-uppey Oirish brandnames anyway!!).
Heinz Piccalilli. Maybe I am just used to the taste but the designer stuff doesn't hit the spot.
Coca Cola

Regarding razor blades I bought a bucketload of Tesco blades about 18 months ago - they're the ones with 3 blades. I'm 100% convinced they're the old Mach IIIs and cheap as chips. Bought 2 razors just in case they stop selling them too. Reckon I've another 12-18 months supply left.
The Aldi 'Specially Selected' products that I've tried so far are superior to most branded goods. Aldi cereals are prefect and half the price of branded ones. Aldi McGraths Reserve tea is very nice and half the price of Lyons/Barrys. Aldi ketchup is very good as are the beans already mentioned (blue/red tin).
Iceland own brand pizzas are good value at €1.50 and just lovely.

Far nicer and cheaper then Goodfellas or any of the branded ranges

*checks waistline*

Tesco Kick is €1.40 for a 1 litre bottle which is just a fraction of the price of red bull.
However 3-4 years ago it was 79c so they've been jacking up the price a few times
Still good value however