FOI Act response times



Can anyone point me in the right direction for information on response times to enquiries under the Freedom of Information Act?
How long does a body have to provide first an acknowledgement of the request and then the information itself?

Thanks again.
Off the top of my head, I think it's 30 days - presuming your request is valid, fee paid mad ), and that the various exemptions don't apply. The full Monty is available [broken link removed] (.pdf file).
information request

I made an application to a local authority under the Freedom of Information Act on January 26th 2005.
I didn't get an acknowledgement yet. Is this unusual?
I used a format suggested by the FoI office itself and, as I understand it, the information requested didn't require a fee. Either way, I'd expect some form of communication acknowledging the request or informing me of fees payable.

Dr Moriarty, I tried accessing the site you referred to but without success and I cant seem to pinpoint the FoI procedure info elsewhere.
Re: information request

Most public bodies have a section on FOI on their website, outlining the procedures - Check our local authority's site.
The information Commission site is here. The guide to the Act is very useful.

Ash: In general, you should receive an FOI reply within 4 weeks.

Marion :hat