FM transmitters for MP3 players


Registered User
I want to buy an FM transmitter to play music from a MP3 player in the car. Looking at there are a number of different transmitters ranging from €19 to over €50. Would there be a noticeable difference between a €19 one and a €60 one?

If so can anyone recommend a good one?

Thanks in advance

I bought a cheap one and it would not work..........

Bought a GPS recently with a transmitter & it works a treat. I sauspect that the more expensive onesare better.
I would go for one that plugs in to the cigarette lighter. In my experience there is less static and disturbance from radion stations.
i got a chap one from pixmania that was crap. Got a cheapish one (30 quid or so) from maplan and its not bad all. works off a car cord or an internal battery that recharges off the cord or a usb cord. Check that one out. You know you ahve to adjust the sound volume downwards on your player and up on your stero for the best results.