Flying Farranfore - Dublin, baggage query


Registered User
I will be flying Farranfore - Dublin shortly.
Does anyone know how strict Ryanair is regarding number of carryons they allow on this flight? I will have one bag and one small case.
I have booked the case into the hold but now want to avoid waiting at the carousel in Dublin Airport.
I would assume its the same as any other Ryanair bring it you pay for it!
Didn't make myself clear. I am paying for it, but can I take it and my other item into the cabin?
I doubt it, one bag per person carryon, Ryanair staff are Ryanair staff, even in Ciarrai
I have booked the case into the hold but now want to avoid waiting at the carousel in Dublin Airport.
Dont worry , you wont be waiting for your bag at the carousel , by the time you get through the Garda Immigration area your bag will be waiting for you.
All arriving passengers at Dublin , regardless of their origin , and due to the airport layout , must go through the Garda Immigration checkpoint , where there are considerable delays at present.
This is widely discussed on another thread.