Fly Tying Kit - Advice


Registered User

Was hoping to get a fly tying kit for husband for birthday next week. Have looked on line but saw only quite expensive kits. I'm not 100% sure that it is something he wants (he loves fishing, flys, fiddly things and making stuff so I'm hoping I am on the right track) but I didn't want to buy one of the big expensive kits but I did want something nicely boxed if possible. There are starter kits but they come in a plastic bag type affair. I was recommended a Scottish site that apparently a lot of Irish fishermen use but again it was the expensive ones on it. Would be grateful for any suggestions. Time is also running out for me a bit (need it for Friday week) so can't wait two weeks for shipping.

Thanks in advance.
I would guess than men in general would care more about the content than the something which is "nicely boxed". I would guess that fishermen would be even less concerned about presentation.

But the most useful and best value and put it in a nice box.

If fly tying is something he has not tried before I would get one of the beginner fly tying sets, Veniards is a good start. Most good fishing shops should sell the Veniards set. Also a good book is essential , again most good fishing shops should have a good selection (or try Easons). With the basic set you get all the necessary tools required although the vice that comes with them can be basic ( a decent vice makes it alot easier).
YOu might want to consider only getting him a small kit - unless he has expressed an interest in it. Also perhaps might be better to sign him up for fly tying classes - check with the local tackle shop & they will advise.
Many thanks for the replies and suggestions.

And while referring to a boxed set I was thinking of aesthetics, I was also referring to the fact that as it is I pick up reels, lines, hooks and flies in the oddest of places as he does not have a designated 'fishing area' in the house, I thought a box might make him a bit tidier with his purties and make my life easier. :)