Flu Vaccine


Registered User

I am being offered a free flu vaccine with work? I am 28 years old, should I take up this offer or is there any point? Would it actually help me avoid getting the flu this year?
I've taken the vaccine for the past few years. Hard to tell if it did any good, but it certainly didn't seem to do any harm. Note that it won't stop you getting the heavy colds that most people call 'flu', but it will stop you getting the very serious 'on your back in bed for 2 weeks & can't move' flu.
I thought that the vaccine was generally only recommended for those who fell into the relevant risk categories and for whom the 'flu might represent a serious health risk (e.g. the elderly)? If I was offered it I would decline not being elderly and being in general good health. But each to his/her own.
Places of work often offer it, as it can *possibly* reduce the number of sick days employees take due to the flu. Forking out the cost of the injections would probably cost the company less in employee sick days.

I got the vaccine last year, and wasn't sick due to any cold or flu related illness... Was offered it again this year in work, and I more than willingly took it up. It's only 'recommended' to young and old... but anyone is entitled to get it. There's no martyrdom in declining the injection… but there is definitely a benefit in receiving it.

i get it every year and seems to work for me coz i always caught a flu every winter, i'd say well worth it