Flora Mitchell painting - subject location


Registered User
I have a Flora Mitchell painting of a street scene. Does anyone know how I could go about finding out the location of the street scene. I know she did the Vanishing Dublin series but this could be anywhere.
Have you seen the book Vanishing Dublin? Perhaps it was an illustration for one of these?

You could check out the National Irish Visual Arts Library

There is a place on the Quays (probably Wellington?) which sells prints of Irish scenes. They might recognise the spot.

You could photograph it and post it on a website and ask us all to see if we recognise it.

Thanks Brendan. I was just hoping someone had been down that road before & could tell me what they did. As for the photo, I'd have to get my whizkid daughter to help me on transferring the photo to the relevant website - if I get that far what website would I be looking for?
Hi Joan

I don't have any suggestions for a website. Any website which allows you post images would do - maybe boards.ie?

You could also bring the picture into the National Library who has a very good photo archive. They are used to looking at photos and might well identify it for you.

The art auction houses such as Whyte's or Adams might have seen the painting before, so you could try them.
