floors - fireplace - floors


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My god, to build a house! You would want to be loopy!

Well here I go again with another half daft question - amazing the little things that through you out

The whole fireplace saga is up in the air and I am going looking again this week to try and decide on one! however if I don't I am not in a major hurry and could wait a bit BUT the carpenter wants to lay all the timber floors in two weeks - so if he does and I dont have fireplaces/ hearth more so I suppose, what do I do with my floors! I am baffled Do I run the floors right up to the fireplace and put the hearth on top of that in time or ??????

Don't know what I would have done with all my dillemas if I hadnt found this website! Well done to the powers that be, thanks

I would try to get your fixtures including fireplace ect fitted before your floors go down as it avoids any damage being done to the floors later and believe me no matter what is being done there will be damage people who are working in a room have very little respect for whats yours they want to get in get the job done and move on.
Even if you could just get the base/hearth for the fireplace installed that would be ok for the floor layer/carpenter to run the floor to.
The fireplace(s) can be mounted at a later date.

Good Luck
We have just laid our timber floors and the fireplaces are being installed next week. We had dropped the levels of the floors and so the floors extend up to the area where the heart will be which will have to sit on concrete.
Tanx guys! Gonna get myself up and out early tomorrow, might as well decide now rather than later and it is saving me a headache thinking about doing it the hard way isn't it! So hopefully the fireplace will go in before the floors! Fingers crossed that I find something I like and can decide on now Oh boy I can't wait for the day when its all just right and theres only one thing left to do - pop the cork