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Why does everyone in the country expect the state to provide flood protection for their homes or businesses?
Do these people have any idea of the costs involved? In many cases it would be easier and cheaper to rebuild the whole town somewhere else.

By the way, if there was a big pipe from the Shannon to Dublin we could use it to relieve the flooding. Karma's a bitch!
Inclined to agree with Purple.

I heard Bandon has flooded 10 times in 40 years , methinks that says something.
The Shannon is a lazy flooder and if it rains enough it seems any levee will be overrun.

More promises will be made to the poor people who get flooded, then the sun will shine, no election close by and flood relief will again slip off the agenda.

If you live in a flood plain , I think make the best of it and pray !
if there was a big pipe from the Shannon to Dublin we could use it to relieve the flooding. Karma's a bitch!
Whatever about the argument over who should pay Purple, that's one hell of a mean spirited statement right there. Are you really saying that those people whose homes have been flooded deserve it because the majority in the Shannon area appear to be against the scheme to supply the Dublin are from the Shannon?
Whatever about the argument over who should pay Purple, that's one hell of a mean spirited statement right there. Are you really saying that those people whose homes have been flooded deserve it because the majority in the Shannon area appear to be against the scheme to supply the Dublin are from the Shannon?
I'm not saying that they deserve it, of course not. I'm saying that their parochial and mean spirited objection to supplying water to the Dublin region, where their sisters and brothers live, is now biting them.
I'm not saying that they deserve it, of course not. I'm saying that their parochial and mean spirited objection to supplying water to the Dublin region, where their sisters and brothers live, is now biting them.
You do realise that this is a huge generalisation Purple, labelling all those affected by the current flooding as being mean spirited objectors to the Shannon pipeline. I'm surprised at you.
Purple said that the objection by some not to let Dublin have water is coming to bite them.
So now might be a great time to see if large enough holding ponds would take the sting out of floods , that would be a win -win for everyone.

For all the talk it looks like few enough houses were flooded, given that The Shannon can,t escape easily to sea.
So maybe what Dublin residents need is to stop "their" water escaping to sea by building huge holding ponds local to them. This would save the cost having to build cross-country pipelines or Shannon-based holding ponds to service Dublin's water needs. Irish Water could of course also invest in fixing the leaks causing as huge percentage of Dublin's fresh-water supply draining into the ground.
Can,t disagree that Irish Water etc must do better but if large ponds in cut away bog cures 2 problems , I for one would look at it.
You do realise that this is a huge generalisation Purple, labelling all those affected by the current flooding as being mean spirited objectors to the Shannon pipeline. I'm surprised at you.
I didn't generalise. You are attributing that to me now.
I didn't generalise. You are attributing that to me now.
I don't see where I did Purple? I don't see anything in your posts narrowing the audience you are targetting here? I asked if you were saying that those people whose homes have been flooded deserve it. Your reply was
I'm not saying that they deserve it, of course not. I'm saying that their parochial and mean spirited objection to supplying water to the Dublin region, where their sisters and brothers live, is now biting them.
Where in that reply did you narrow the audience you were referring to? How could that be interpreted as anything other than a referral to "those people whose homes have been flooded"?
By all means if you want to clarify that you are referring to specifically those who object to the pipeline only and not those whose home has been flooded then I will stand corrected but it's quite possible that these are two distinctly different groups of people.
Purple is at it again. He never stops. If it happened outside the Pale it doesn't matter. Remember people in flooded plains pay taxes too. They are not screaming for the government to provide six lane motorways around their hamlets. They pay for such motorways, tunnels, etc around Dublin eventhough they might never use them.

It is not only the inhabitants of Dublin who pay taxes, you know! Whatever way you look on this disaster, just think of the strong possibility while you're enjoying your dinner, the local river flows in through your front door and windows. A little concerning thought for those in such conditions would not go astray.
I don't see where I did Purple? I don't see anything in your posts narrowing the audience you are targetting here? I asked if you were saying that those people whose homes have been flooded deserve it. Your reply was

Where in that reply did you narrow the audience you were referring to? How could that be interpreted as anything other than a referral to "those people whose homes have been flooded"?
By all means if you want to clarify that you are referring to specifically those who object to the pipeline only and not those whose home has been flooded then I will stand corrected but it's quite possible that these are two distinctly different groups of people.
Since my comment was about the people who objected to the pipeline I am referring to the people who objected to the pipeline.
Purple is at it again. He never stops. If it happened outside the Pale it doesn't matter. Remember people in flooded plains pay taxes too. They are not screaming for the government to provide six lane motorways around their hamlets. They pay for such motorways, tunnels, etc around Dublin eventhough they might never use them.

It is not only the inhabitants of Dublin who pay taxes, you know! Whatever way you look on this disaster, just think of the strong possibility while you're enjoying your dinner, the local river flows in through your front door and windows. A little concerning thought for those in such conditions would not go astray.
It's not just the Shannon that flooded. Don't be so parochial. ;)
People inside the Pale get flooded too.
We live on an island, or at least on a bit of land with loads of water and we don't seem to do water well. On Tuesday night's news I saw several shots of houses surrounded by sandbags with as much water inside the protected area as outside. Obviously, the guys who placed the sandbags around the many properties hadn't a clue. Perhaps it's time to mobilise the FCA or any other organisation with youth and train them into how to build effective flooding defences?

The same news bulletin informed us that in Fermoy (hitherto prone to flooding every few months) spent 1 million euro this year on permanent flood preventing measures and already these have prevented another 4 million euro worth of damage. Not a bad investment.

Now, let's look at Bandon (another flood prone town). The local authority wants to set up flood defending measures and some of the local people have lodged objections on various grounds. Either they want to prevent floods or they don't; if there is anybody from Bandon on here, please advise.

If Dublin is short of water and if the Shannon and its lakes can be used to provide a solution, then let it happen and as soon as possible, please. Are there more objections on this issue?

Like I said earlier, we don't do water well. If the same flooding was in some African state we would be organising collections for people affected and flood prevention measures. But, because it flooding just down the road, we appear not to care. There's something wrong somewhere!