Flights to South africa


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Are Slattery's the only company that do direct flights to SA??Was hoping to go at Easter but according to web-site , flights are booked up.Has anyone gone via Heathrow or Frankfurt???How was it ??
We once flew with BA to Jo'burg and after that experience always flew with South African Airways from Heathrow and found them to be very comfortable and pleased to have you on their aeroplane - unlike BA who always gave me the impression that they were doing me a favour by letting me sit on their seats!
Lots of cheap flights ex-London, if you can bear the transfer..? Can't post a link, but just look in the UK Sunday papers' travel sections/classifieds for websites. London to Johannesburg is a helluva long flight, 'though, and most airlines seem to include a stopover in Nairobi (Kenya) or something similar - possibly an interesting side-excursion..?
As far as I know, Slattery are currently the only ones flying direct from Dublin to SA. We've flown KLM via Schipol and Air France via Charles de Gaulle. We didn't have too long a stopover with either, and there's a reasonable variety of shops at both airports. We found KLM to be the cheapest of the non-bucket airlines the last two times we've booked.
I flew to Johannesburg with Air France via Paris and the staff were absolutely horrible so never again - and they also kept playing a video in economy class of how great first class is, which made us want to rip the tv out of the ceiling and throw it at the rude staff!

Flew to Capetown with Lufthansa via Frankfurt and that was fine.
have flown with BA, Air France and KLM and found them all to be fine but my preference would be with BA, I must admit.

the flight from Lon to Jo'burg or Capetown is a long one but I wouldnt think a stopover anywhere would be necessary. SInce you are flying mainly south and only have to add on 1/2 hours you arent jet lagged by the time you get there. I always think that its nice to get the journey over as soon as possible
One of the benefits of flying to Cape Town with KLM is that if they have time, they fly all round the peninsula. It adds a little to the flight time, but I haven't come across anyone who objected. I don't know if any of the other airlines do that.
One big advantage of using SAA is that there is more room inthe seats - South Africans tend to be bigger built than Europeans - My Daughter-in-law has a brother who is 2 metres tall and she herself is 1.8 mtres tall. Further to Doc. Moriarty's comment re stopovers, we always flew overnight and slept most of the way. Flight takes about 12 hours LHR to Jo'burg and if you can sleep you can start your holiday fairly fresh.
EMMT is quite right; no jetlag at all - at this time of year there is only 1 hour difference in time.

Go for it.
Flew with BA 6th of November last year via heathrow great airline, friends flew direct from Dublin with Slatterys a German Airline was used they said never again and would rather fly with BA when going again.