Flights to India


Registered User
I'm hoping to fly to India in February 2006. Can anyone recommend sites/travel agents for booking flights to Delhi?

So far I'm getting quotes of around €750 - €800 so I'm just checking to see if I can do any better.
Cahir said:
I'm hoping to fly to India in February 2006. Can anyone recommend sites/travel agents for booking flights to Delhi?

So far I'm getting quotes of around €750 - €800 so I'm just checking to see if I can do any better.

BA fly directly from London... its a very long flight though....
jhegarty said:
BA fly directly from London... its a very long flight though....

I swore I'd never go on a long haul flight again after flying to Southern Africa twice in one year but I've always wanted to go to India so I'm beginning to mentally prepare myself for the journey already!!

The prices above are with BA from Dublin via London and seem to be the best I can find.
I find trailfinders very good for flights to Asia. Also try the back of the Sunday Times travel section for flights ex UK.

i was there two months ago , so if you have any questions , send me a pm ;-)
jhegarty said:
i was there two months ago , so if you have any questions , send me a pm ;-)

Thanks. I probably will closer to the time I'm booking. I'll also have a look at trailfinders and Sunday Times.
If you fly with Emirates etc, you will get a few hours break in Dubai etc, and some shopping on the way back.
India is a somewhat shorter flight than South Africa ... it's 8 and a bit hours from London rather than 10 and a bit - so it's not quite as bad !

Try Gulf Air - Dublin-Bahrain-Bombay - you can get that for as low as €550 if you're flexible with dates (they don't fly Dublin-Bahrain every day) ... other than that you're looking at €700ish+ .. Air France/KLM may be a little cheaper than BA (KLM through Amsterdam is better organised for connecting than Air France through Paris in my experience)
Tried Gulf Air but unfortunately to Delhi there are 3 flights, takes really long and it costs over €2k per person!!! I'll be staying with a friend in Delhi so I can't be flexible on the destination.
Yep .. it seems the Gulf Air services to Delhi don't connect well with their Dublin-Bahrain flights - they seem to run very few flights from Bahrain to Delhi .. pity as it seems a very decent & competitively priced option to Bombay

KLM is probably the best bet otherwise .. seems to be under 700 (including tax) for most days in February with decent connections (around 2hrs in Amsterdam) ... BA is more like 900 by the time you add in all taxes .. these are published fares from the airlines .. it's possible agents may have better deals - try a decent one.
just in case you flying again trail finders are good and the website is very good site
hi Cahir
just returned from india about three months and wouldnt for th elife of me go back! but thats my personal experience. when u get there and u wanna travel about the country there are a few budget airlines that are often a better/cleaner/safer way to travel about the country.
Deccan Air
Go Air
and one or two others.Go Air were very good. If your going about by trainALWAYS LOCK YOUR BAGGAGE to something solid and imovable.dont take your eyes off it!
Enjoy the trip
Try Usit as well, they do non student fairs and got us there for 120 less per ticket then Trailfinders quoted.
Killter said:
hi Cahir
just returned from india about three months and wouldnt for th elife of me go back!

What happened to put you off so much?

I've just booked to go to India in Oct with AirFrance, and it was 675E.
That was the most competitive price I found.

Can anyone recommend a nice hotel in Delhi for the first night?

Yes, Killter - what was so bad that you wouldnt go back?

I think there is a bargain airline called Air Sahara flying to Delhi from London. You could google it.