flights for compassionate reasons?


Registered User
My nana is very ill in Australia and my mam wants to go and see her. Short of paying exorbitant fares to go this Sat/Sun it is impossible. Obviously my mam wants to go as quick as possible but the next few weeks after that with St Patricks Day and Easter are booked up (mainly the London leg). Someone mentioned to me that sometimes flights are kept for such emergencies. Anyone have any idea?
My nana is very ill in Australia and my mam wants to go and see her. Short of paying exorbitant fares to go this Sat/Sun it is impossible. Obviously my mam wants to go as quick as possible but the next few weeks after that with St Patricks Day and Easter are booked up (mainly the London leg). Someone mentioned to me that sometimes flights are kept for such emergencies. Anyone have any idea?

Well I only have one experience of this and as I understand it, emergency does not mean that you pay less, it just means they'll try and get you on the plane. It also means now, not next week. But give it a try all they can do is say no.
Last year I spent a over a grand to be abroad for a funeral for just one day and once the funeral was over I was basically heading back the way I came. I tried to get the last minute flights as a ''bereavement fare'' but none of the airlines would agree to this. They don't do them in Ireland. In the end if you are willing to pay , then someone will have a flight for you but aside from that the companies don't really care.
Emergency = high fare. On any airline to any place.There is not,to my knowledge,nor has there ever been cheap deals for emergency bereavement reasons.

O'Leary was the first to openly admit(boast) that funerals are the biggest earners for his airline. As he stated - If it's urgent then prepare to pay top fares. If it's not urgent then stay at home and await a good deal.
Some of these Etihad deals are really good and they fly from Dublin.
thanks. I got a flight today for my mam to travel tues - only 1000k. It was a special crew fare that had been cancelled. Qantas via Frankfurt/Singapore. The Ethihad ones were about 1600 but meant flying to Sydney and then back to Perth. Must say I used Trailfinders and they were excellent. Takes a great deal off our minds.
That's great news amtc €1000 is an absolutely fantastic price at such short notice...well done.