Flight landings & applause

Some jobs get clapped others don't. Sports people generally get clapped if they play well but generally IT staff don't. What is the problem with people clapping a safe landing?
Just start freaking people out by getting a site next to the toilet on the plane and clapping whenever they come out.

Include yourself too.

By the time the plane lands, everybody should be well clapped out.
I've managed to save my boss €400 today on a capital purchase for the business, must ask him for my round of applause too.
You can't ask for it. That would just make you seem needy!
Go around the office requesting "high fives" from all those present. Once this has happened and everyone is fired up I would be surprised if they didn't break into applause spontaneously.
Mile High Club

Thanks for finally lowering the tone Seagull -- I chose my words very carefully, and expected ClubMan to post that hours ago
Ooooh I HATE the clapping on landing - used only get it on chartered flights but am now seeing it creep in to scheduled flights as well. Leave it out, a simple thank you to cabin staff on leaving the plane will do fine.
I can remember bieng on a ryanair flight from coming back from Paris to Shannon and the flight attendant getting a seroius fit of the giggles during her landing spiel-she started her speech about 4-5 times before she finally managed to get it over with..she got the biggest round of applause I'd ever heard on a plane!!

I've heard it on loads of flights, especially pilgrimages and I have to say I love it! I'm so relieved at being on the ground I would kiss the pilot if I could.
I would also love to get applause for doing my job, not every day or anything, just maybe once a week, or even once a month, and maybe some flowers thrown at my feet every so often.

I'm only joking, my boss hugged me once in the lift and I nearly died of embarassement.
Only experienced this once on a flight to Spain about 20 years ago. Have to say it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
We had lots of hand clapping last week on a scheduled flight from Girona, Spain with Ryanair.

The clapping didn't bother me at all, but the two Spanish ladies next to me who started crossing themselves frantically and muttering 'Mi Madre' etc. when we were about 100ft off the ground was a bit scary - particularly to my young son who asked if we were going to crash!
Is it a peculiarily Irish thing for some passengers to applaud on landing when there is even a minor hint of turbulance during the flight or landing approach or does it happen in other primitive cultures too?

At least when you clap at the end of the a flight the pilots are able to hear the clapping and appreciate it.
I've often seen people clap at the end of a movie (mainly in the US). Do they think the actors are behind the screen or are they doing it for the benefit of the projectionist?
Saw some Man Utd fans doing the same in a pub in Dublin at the end of a game they were watching on TV. The morons.
No point clapping unless there's someone there to appreciate it.