Flies in attic


Registered User

We seem to have a lot of flies acumulating in our attic?

Its dormer house, only moved in at end of last summer, only starting to notic this now as the weather is getting milder.

Air vents from waste pipes do travel through attic and out through roof tiles, however I cannot get a foul smell in the attic that might be attracting them.

Some of them seem to be coming down through extractor into the en-suite, only 1 or 2 at the moment but expect this to get worse as the weather gets warmer.

Any advice?

We had this problem. There seems to be a breed of fly that nests in your attic space, probably getting in through a gap in the soffet or at a velux. we just sprayed the little b**gers until we found the spot they were gathering and blocked that up. Haven't had them now for a couple of years.
With something like this, get a pest controller in sooner rather than later.

It will cost around €150 and they will eliminate the problem and the hassle for good or tell you how to do it.

We has them for the last two years too. The same time every year and it freaks me out bigtime. Are they big black flies and slow moving? Seemingly they come and nest in the same nest every year somewhere in your attic. They are also known as 'attic flies' My husband got smoke bombs last year and placed them in the attic, it was a very simple job and got rid of them straight away, I am unsure if they will come back this year though. If they do I will get a pest controller in.
Simple trick which worked for me ..

i simply cleaned it the attic with a good floor cleaner which has lot of frangrance, and kept a good odor remover.. that worked for me .. no more flies..
hope this works for you..
@ any new builders out there, this thread is dedicated to you

this is why you cover vents with a fine wire mesh