Flavoured Beer


Registered User
A couple of weeks ago I was in an off-licence and got a couple of bottles of a belgian raspberry flavoured beer. It was lovely - but I can't find it anywhere now.

Anyone know where I might get something similar?
I have 4 or 5 cans of that in my fridge!! Although I bought it in Charleroi airport so I'm not sure where you'd get it in Ireland. Let me know if you find out.

You can get flavoured beer in the porterhouse but it's not nearly as nice.
I got it:p originally in an off-license in Cork....but I have yet to find it in Dublin. The bottles were 500ml sized and brown coloured ..and had a kind of cork and wire thing at the top instead of the regular beer bottle cap. It smells like a field full of raspberries :))
Yours sounds nicer than mine! Mine are pink cans with raspberrries on it but still very very tasty. There's an off-licence on the malahide road that used to stock loads of different beers but I haven't been there in a while so I'm not sure if they still do.

I tried strawberry beer too and it was yum.
The Belgian flavoured beer is called "Kriek", or something like that. Molloys Liquor Stores sometimes stock it. Lidl or Aldi (can't remember which) do an imitation called "Freeq"
Mort Subite is considered one of the best flavoured beers - I think this is what you saw in Cork. lovely stuff and so easy (maybe too easy) to drink.

I reckon you could try asking your local offie to order it in.
Bear in mind 'Mord Subite' means sudden death in French....:eek: It's pretty strong......

You'll also get these in some of the bettr offys, Oddbins, Malloys
Ahh here there is only one flavour of beer and thats beer flavour...beer flavour comes in enough varities of flavour to do any one!:D

I have tried them too, a bit of jip I thought. I d rather drink Vodka and Cranberry than cranberry flavoured beer.
Kriek is the cherry flavoured one, and Framboise is the raspberry flavoured one. They're both flavoured versions of a Belgian style of beer called Lambic which is a beer that was traditionally made using "spontaneous" fermentation with airborne yeasts. It's pretty yukky IMO in it's unflavoured state, a bit of a sour flavour somewhat reminiscent of sourdough bread. In Belgium, you can also IIRC get other fruit flavours like Blackcurrant and Banana although I haven't seen those here in Ireland.
Molloys on the Clonsilla Rd does banana flavoured beer. Oh dear oh dear. Words cannot describe...