Something that you should be aware of that has been happening over the last few months is that the bank sends a loan pack with a rate and then when it comes to draw down you get an annoncement from the bank that the offer has been withdrawn and it goes to variable. You are put in a position where you feel like you can't change because the Solicitor has requested the cheque and there are fees etc. Bank of Scotland removed their fixed rate overnight, IIB have changed theres a few times i.e. if you don't draw down within 3 days you lose rates, EBS have also done it, Haven Mortgages, First Active stopped there 1 year fixed no notice whatsoever, Bank of ireland have also changed there fixed rate, few days notice only. These has all been happening while ECB rate has been the same so it has noting to do with thiat. In my view this activity is causing utter chaos to people, you agree an offer and then they pull it putting you in an awful prediciment. AIB are changing aswell but at least they are giving notice. I would, if I were dealing with a broker, not just ask who has the best rates but also who has not changed there rates at very short notice lately, I think it is now important as the rate you agree to should be the same rate at drawdown.