Fixed term contract and mortgage?


Registered User
Has anyone experience of applying for a mortgage while on a fixed term contract? According to

Employment must be secure

  • Lenders will generally only consider full time permanent positions.
  • Contracts of indefinite duration with State bodies are also considered secure.
I am on my third fixed term contract with a semi-state with a total duration of over 4 years to date. According to citizens information:

  • "If an employee whose employment started after 14 July 2003 has been employed on 2 or more continuous fixed-term contracts, the total duration of those contracts may not exceed 4 years.
After this, if the employer wishes to renew the employee’s contract, it must be an open-ended contract unless there are objective grounds justifying the renewal of the contract for a fixed term only. "

I think perhaps they should not have issued the third one as it now exceeds four years. The unions stopped a number of people getting let go, on the grounds that they are entitled to a contract of indefinite duration.

I am wondering should I just go ahead and apply for the mortgage first, or should I look into getting a contract of indefinite duration- as far as I know these were only issued when people's contracts ended, so I would have to wait another 18 months to find out

Edit: There are "objective grounds" written into my new contract for the purposes of being fixed term - however everyone is getting objective grounds for non renewal so i assume it could be challenged