Fixed rate query


Registered User
Hi folks, quick question. I re-fixed my UB mortgage in Nov @ 4% as Variable was 4.5% at the time. I rang up UB in mid Feb to see if I would qualify for a rate reduction given that they reduced their variable rate. Guy on phone told me that I was actually on a discounted variable rate and I would be receiving a discount of .2 to 3.8% and would be receiving notification of same in the post. Rang them up yesterday and turns out it is a fixed rate and guy on phone was wrong and they had my signed form indicating a fixed rate. Do I have any grounds for making a complaint and trying to get the discounted variable rate? Many thanks.
You could make a complaint about being given wrong info in the phone call but I don't think you have a leg to stand on looking for a reduction in rate if you willingly signed up for a fixed rate in November, fixed rates are not reduced during term, they are exactly what they say - fixed.

If the variable had gone up would you have been ringing saying sure increase my old fixed rate there to match it's only fair, the whole point of fixed rates is you know what you are paying for a fixed term, after that it's swings and roundabouts, rate rises you win, rate drops you lose.