I know this is similar to a current thread already ongoing, but I'm in a bit of a different situation, I'm a first time buyer in the middle of sorting out my first mortgage and trying to make the decision whehter I should go for a fixed or tracker mortgage. The best fixed rate I'm seeing that applies is a 3 year fixed at 5.45%, it was 5.25% yesterday and changed today
The best tracker I can get is ECB +1.2 so also 5.45%. Really struggling as to what I should do. Had set myself on going fixed until the recent increase and now unsure. Like the stability to the fixed especially as a lot of people are talking about some interest rate rises before a possible drop, but worried about what will be available after the fixed term ends, especially with a lot of people talking about the death of the tracker. One thing I will have going for me if I fix is that my LTV will then be under 80% after the fixed term ends. Trying to make my decision today so any advice would be much appreciated...
The best tracker I can get is ECB +1.2 so also 5.45%. Really struggling as to what I should do. Had set myself on going fixed until the recent increase and now unsure. Like the stability to the fixed especially as a lot of people are talking about some interest rate rises before a possible drop, but worried about what will be available after the fixed term ends, especially with a lot of people talking about the death of the tracker. One thing I will have going for me if I fix is that my LTV will then be under 80% after the fixed term ends. Trying to make my decision today so any advice would be much appreciated...