Hi Folks
I'd be very interested in people's opinions on the following options I have.
I'm currently on a Tracker Mortgage of 1% above ECB.
I was planning on fixing my mortgage with my bank & got offered 1 yr Fixed at 4.75% a month ago.
Thought it was a great rate so jumped at it. The bank took ages to send out the letter but finally did last week with the agreed rate of 4.75%. I signed the letter and sent it back last week.
My plan was go fixed for 1 yr and then when I come off the fixed rate see what the market is like and probably go back on my tracker mortgage of 1% above ECB.
However I see some banks are now starting to pull the Tracker Mortgages. This will probably spread to all the other banks so I'm concerned that when I come off the fixed rate, I will not have the option to go back on a tracker rate and will have to go on either a fixed or standard var rate, which will be must higher that 1% above ECB.
What do you think I should do? Take the 1 yr fixed or stay on the Tracker Rate of 1% above ECB.
I'd be very interested in people's opinions on the following options I have.
I'm currently on a Tracker Mortgage of 1% above ECB.
I was planning on fixing my mortgage with my bank & got offered 1 yr Fixed at 4.75% a month ago.
Thought it was a great rate so jumped at it. The bank took ages to send out the letter but finally did last week with the agreed rate of 4.75%. I signed the letter and sent it back last week.
My plan was go fixed for 1 yr and then when I come off the fixed rate see what the market is like and probably go back on my tracker mortgage of 1% above ECB.
However I see some banks are now starting to pull the Tracker Mortgages. This will probably spread to all the other banks so I'm concerned that when I come off the fixed rate, I will not have the option to go back on a tracker rate and will have to go on either a fixed or standard var rate, which will be must higher that 1% above ECB.
What do you think I should do? Take the 1 yr fixed or stay on the Tracker Rate of 1% above ECB.