fixed penalty but place where it happened spelled wrong


Registered User
Hi there,

A friend of mine recently received a fixed penalty notice for a driving offence(mobile phone) which happened early december. He noticed that the placename where it occured is spelled wrong on the fine. I was wondering if anybody knew whether this was technically wrong and as such would deemed as a mistake by the garda and would be regarded as never happened?
Re: fixed penalty but place where it happened spelled wron g

Unless the spelling mistake makes the place name very ambiguous, I don't think it being "technically" wrong will make a difference to the penalty.
Re: fixed penalty but place where it happened spelled wron g

Unless it is a totally different place, you are on a hiding to nothing.
Yes the others are right sadly. Minor errors on the notice wont make a difference but if a major error like a name mispelt then you have some chance of a challenge!
Surely they should accept guilt and just take the punishment. They broke the law, spelling wrong or not.
If the matter goes as far as the District COurt the Judge is likely to amend the spelling mistake if it is reasonably certain where the offence happened