Dear Promoter,
Here's how I prompt my customers to think about this issue ....
a) Fixing for ten years is a long time - is it likely you will stay in this property for at least that period ...
b) Explain there will likely be a penalty if one wants to break out of the product during the period ...
c) I'd try and ascertain what's driving their thought process, e.g. security of knowing what their repayments will be, or are they gambling on the fact that they think they are making a good decision or has somebody said something to them to prompt this thought ...
d) I'd paint a scenraio of rates (fixed and variable falling by say 2% from current rates) - how would they feel? would they be ones to live with the situation or be in demanding to break out of the deal they are on etc etc. If they would likely adopt the latter approach I'd query if they were really making the right decision?
After all that, I'd throw the following scenario on the table (which amazingly so many people don't consider) - i.e. hedge your bets ....
split your mortgage in to say 2, 3 or 4 component parts and allocate same based on a) your risk profile, b) comfort level with current repayment levels, and c) impact of rates rises on your situation, and end up with certain percentages of your mortgage allocated as follows ...
2/3 Year Fixed
5 Year Fixed
10 Year Fixed
Hope that helps...