Fixed Charge Speeding location/time discrepency



Hi all,

I received a Fixed Charge notice of speeding during the week. I didn't notice any Garda car on that day so I tried to recall my movements on the date in question. The offence is alleged to have happened at 1.33pm, but I have found a receipt (which also has my name on it) for a purchase I made that day at 1.29pm at a location which is 10 miles (and at least 20 minutes drive) from where the alleged speeding offence happened. So, is there any scope for challenging the Speeding offence on these grounds, or should I just forget about it and accept my first fine and points in 16 years of driving?!

Maybe the time on the speed camera didn't take the 1 hour change for daylight saving over the October Bank holiday weekend.
Could you have been speeding at the location 1 hour earlier?