Fixed charge notice


Registered User
Just received a notice in the post having being stopped by the Gardai recently.

Correct address, correct car reg, correct day, correct time on the notice but the location and the offence are incorrect.

Does this mean that the "correct" offence cannot be re-issued?

What is the correct procedure to follow in notifying the penalty points people?

Now while I am certaintly guilty, I am not adverse to escaping on a technicality:eek:

And on a related note, if someone else has been notified of "my offence" - and this means less penalty points/fine for them - can they accept it even if they know it is incorrect?
And on a related note, if someone else has been notified of "my offence" - and this means less penalty points/fine for them - can they accept it even if they know it is incorrect?

In the case of being stopped by the Gardai, i.e., an intercept offence, you cannot nominate someone else as driving. The application does not allow us -which is correct . How can you say someone else was driving if the Garda has notes detailing who they stopped.
I presume that Romulan is referring the the possibility of him mistakenly getting, say, offence X & 5 points rather than offence Y & 2 points which actually got swapped so that the unrelated third party who should have gotten X/5 got "his" Y/2? Does that even make sense... :eek:
Ah I see. I guess that is always a possibility so the answer would be yes - if the other person is getting a lesser fine / fewer points the processing unit probably would accept the payment as on paper and on the system it would appear acceptable to do so, i.e. people accepting the payment have no first hand knowlege of the offence other than what is presented to them on the screen.

In relation to who you contact I'm sure you'll get differing advice from contacting the processing unit itself (number on the notification), to your local garda station, to your solicitor.
CLUBMAN is correct (as always ;) ) regarding the "exchange" of points.

Have been advised by solictor to write to Penalty Points people and advised by Penalty Points people to cotnact local station as this was an intercept.

Still not clear though on whether the correct notification can be issued or is it null and void?

Will accept punishment if it must be so and promise to do better.
Sorry NT00DEEP, I'd prefer not to say at this point until its resolved either way.

But 2 completely different locations and my offence was the "lighter" of the two.
When you are intercepted, does the garda offer you a docket/receipt of the alleged offence?

If you have paperwork detailing the alleged offence from the day, which is not supported by the Fixed Charge Notice, then I would sit on it, let the time elapse and challenge it in court. You are not guily of the offence alleged in the Fixed Charge Notice, and you have paperwork to confirm the offence on the Fixed Charge Notice was not alleged by the Garda on the scene.
Nothing received from the Guard at the time NT00DEEP.

Just took my details and departed.
For the record!

Wrote to the crowd that send out the notices and they told me to contact the relevant Garda Station.

Rang the Garda Station and got the Superintendent's name, wrote to him.
Some time later I got a reply stating that he was looking into it.

Then a very short time later (pure concidence I presume), the local Guard arrived with the court summons.

I went to court with photcopies of all my letters etc, found "my" Guard and advised him I would be standing up and explaining the errors and my failed efforts to fix it.

Struck out by the guard immediately.