Fiver Friday


Registered User
Has anyone else been listening to this story about company's doing deals for a fiver on Friday July 1st?

If so ,do you think it will work?

I thought it would be a good idea if babysitters charged a fiver an hour for the evening..that would mean maybe some more people could get out to go to the cinema/restaurant and to go to those restaurants/cinemas/pub etc that have fiver deals on..
that way the baby sitter gets a few bob as do the businesses that the people go to,and the babysitter may well spend their money and on and on..
I think a fiver an hour is more than enough for babysitting. I used to love doing it when I was a teenager. Telly to myself, lovely supper and the kids usually in bed or about to go to bed.
I think a fiver an hour is more than enough for babysitting. I used to love doing it when I was a teenager. Telly to myself, lovely supper and the kids usually in bed or about to go to bed.


We pay our babysitter €6.00 an hour