First time water connection


Registered User
I am having a few problems getting water supply connected on a new build I have recently started. COCO sent me out forms for connection and creating hole in public road and are looking for 600e for licence..but they say the builder needs to dig hole and connect and provide public liability insurance...builder says hasent got this and never had to do this before....COCO say have stopped providing insurance 3 months ago...anyone any experiences like this or ideas where to go next....???..Cheers.
As far as I knew, the builder provided everything within your sites boundary, but the local authority provides the 'actual connection' to their mains water (similar with sewer connections) for a set fee.

If this has changed then surely there is a specialist sub-contractor the council recommends for such work, as an ordinary builder couldn't (read wouldn't want to) be held liable for things like cracks to public pavements which can be exposed years later and ultimately be attributed to his work on that water connection.