First time skier - where to go?


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I'm looking at going skiing for the first time at Christmas/New Year. I really haven't a clue about where to go etc. so am looking for some advice. Where would be recommended for complete beginners? I'd like somewhere with other activities available too, on the off chance that I wouldn't actually like skiing! Any ideas?
Christmas/New Year is very early in the ski season. Meaning that conditions can be quite unreliable. So if you defo want snow, you may have to goto high altitude resorts or leave it til later in the season. Val Thorens in France for example is high but expensive. Loads of threads on here if you use the search option. Also try They have every bit of info you could possibly need. And trust me, you'll love it! Best holiday you'll ever have. Do loads of bendy exercises before you go and strengthen those legs too. And be prepared to be exhaused at the end of every day. First week is haaaaard work!
Arinsal in Andorra is a great place to learn. Lots of big wide easy slopes to learn on. As elefantfresh said, the first week is a killer! :) Be prepared to ache!! Just wear a t-shirt under your skiing jacket coz you'll be roasting with all the exertion.

Also, the first thing they should tell you is the handiest way to carry skis! I only learnt this on the last day of the first week we went skiing. Lock the skis together, put the ski poles together but in opposite directions so that the loops are at opposite ends. The just put the ends of the skis through the loops at both ends and you have a ready-made ski sling!! Best tip ever! :p
and when you see the junior school or even worse the toodler school go flying past you spraying you with snow, don't feel bad; they're just showing off!
most places will have beginners packages where you get hire, lessons and limited lift passes to most of the easy slopes, personally I prefer s/boarding but it's a personal choice really
and if you have the money, Canada! BC the snow there is amazing around that time. lots of people know whistler etc which is about the size of a small country but there are cheaper fields around there all just as good, and lots cheaper than the states
I think a trip to BC or Alberta would be wasted on a beginner to be honest. I have 3 weeks booked for next Feb - Banff/Big White/Whistler!!! Can hardly wait!!!
Obergurgl in austria is a wonderful beginner/ early intermediate resort. High altitude and an excellent ski school. I took a group of frinds there who improved dramatically. It is not the biggest or liveliest resort though, but if just want to learn to ski and vegetate in the evenings you could do a lot worse.
great value for money there,however flight is long enough.resorts very suitable for begineers with ski instructors rates very good.However xmas,new year might be too early for decent snow on some of the resorts.

its really not that great as the slopes are very low and snow unpredictable... Try Ellmau in Austria - Mr Bear loved it and he up until this year HATED skiing as the previous time we went the tuition was very poor in another resort...

The runs in Ellmau are great for beginners and the night life is good as well...
Thanks for the responses. That's the worry, that at that time of year there wouldn't be much snow. Will keep researching!
I only started skiing in November last, getting lessons in Kilternan which I would highly recommend you try if you're anywhere at all near there.

We went to Alpe d'Huez over Christmas, which was a very expensive time to go. I think New Year's is a bit dearer again! Our instructor told us the resort, which looked very busy to us, was only 80% full as Christmas is so early in the season, but that it would be 100% full over New Year.

The season started very late this year, so if you do want to go as early as Christmas I'd recommend you choose somewhere really high up. Even though we were high up, we found the quality of snow not to be great, very icy in patches, and in the afternoon the thin layer melted in some parts leaving grassy patches which can trip you up and cause a nasty fall.

We hope to go again next year - perhaps Austria - but will be waiting until around February.