First time selling house


Registered User

I am in the process of selling a house for the first.

Been quoted 1.5% comm by Estate agent (have not confimed if this is plus VAT yet but presume it is?). Also €300 plus VAT for advertising.

Have yet to shop around.

1. Can I use more than one estate agent? I know there would be no point paying for advertising twice.

2. The advertising is for 6 months. EA gave me the impression that once ad placed then you canot alter it i.e. the selling price unless you pay another €300. Is this correct or can you insist on the ad being altered if you wanted to reduce your SP?

3. Can I also put an ad on something like daft myself at the same time, which I would be able to alter?

4. Has anyone ever tried to use their own bonus scheme with an EA? Nothing to motivate them like money? Every extra €10k is only worth €150 to EA so they would prefer to sell at lower SP as they would still get most of their commission. Was thinking of aproaching EA with proposal of a % bonus for every extra €5/10K they can sell the house for above a certain figure.

All thoughts appreciated.
Personally I would sell the house myself - the EA's don't do the tidying up before visits etc. and these days you're just as likely to get a response as the EA. As you said, an extra €10K doesn't make that much difference to them but it can make a world of difference to you!
Best of luck - let us all know how it goes if you can.
The advertising is for 6 months. EA gave me the impression that once ad placed then you canot alter it i.e. the selling price unless you pay another €300. Is this correct or can you insist on the ad being altered if you wanted to reduce your SP?
That sounds absolutely ludicrous to me. I have had an advert on daft and wasn't charged anything to alter it. Is the EA trying to give you the impression that the two minutes required to updated the advert is worth that money?
That sounds absolutely ludicrous to me. I have had an advert on daft and wasn't charged anything to alter it. Is the EA trying to give you the impression that the two minutes required to updated the advert is worth that money?

They are trying to pull a fast one here. I sold my house last year and changed the ad numerous times on daft and for no additonal charge. I got the EA to change photos, modify descriptions and change the price.

I'll answer what I can here from my own experience

- We paid €250 for advertising - that was for signage, brochure and advertising on the EA own website, Daft and
- We had our house on market for 12 months and there was never a mention of a time limit on the advertising
- We negotiated on the fee as well on a scale basis - 1% up to €250k and 1.5% on anything achieved over that