I am in the process of selling a house for the first.
Been quoted 1.5% comm by Estate agent (have not confimed if this is plus VAT yet but presume it is?). Also €300 plus VAT for advertising.
Have yet to shop around.
1. Can I use more than one estate agent? I know there would be no point paying for advertising twice.
2. The advertising is for 6 months. EA gave me the impression that once ad placed then you canot alter it i.e. the selling price unless you pay another €300. Is this correct or can you insist on the ad being altered if you wanted to reduce your SP?
3. Can I also put an ad on something like daft myself at the same time, which I would be able to alter?
4. Has anyone ever tried to use their own bonus scheme with an EA? Nothing to motivate them like money? Every extra €10k is only worth €150 to EA so they would prefer to sell at lower SP as they would still get most of their commission. Was thinking of aproaching EA with proposal of a % bonus for every extra €5/10K they can sell the house for above a certain figure.
All thoughts appreciated.
I am in the process of selling a house for the first.
Been quoted 1.5% comm by Estate agent (have not confimed if this is plus VAT yet but presume it is?). Also €300 plus VAT for advertising.
Have yet to shop around.
1. Can I use more than one estate agent? I know there would be no point paying for advertising twice.
2. The advertising is for 6 months. EA gave me the impression that once ad placed then you canot alter it i.e. the selling price unless you pay another €300. Is this correct or can you insist on the ad being altered if you wanted to reduce your SP?
3. Can I also put an ad on something like daft myself at the same time, which I would be able to alter?
4. Has anyone ever tried to use their own bonus scheme with an EA? Nothing to motivate them like money? Every extra €10k is only worth €150 to EA so they would prefer to sell at lower SP as they would still get most of their commission. Was thinking of aproaching EA with proposal of a % bonus for every extra €5/10K they can sell the house for above a certain figure.
All thoughts appreciated.