I'm currently hoping to start the wheels turning in regards to getting a mortgage but i just have a few queries that would be great to get some answers from.
1. I'm not sure what to say what my earnings are when applying for a mortgage. I currently get paid by the hour and have a lot of flexibility with regard to how much hours i can work. if i work a six day week for example i can cover 54 paid hours, as opposed to working the minimum of 4 which would give me 36 hours. Naturally it makes it kind of difficult to quote what my annual income would be.
2. Is it possible to get a loan to cover the deposit on my mortgage? would it affect my eligibility. are there ways of getting around it?
3. what sort of criteria do you need for a 95% mortgage? is it more expensive?
1. I'm not sure what to say what my earnings are when applying for a mortgage. I currently get paid by the hour and have a lot of flexibility with regard to how much hours i can work. if i work a six day week for example i can cover 54 paid hours, as opposed to working the minimum of 4 which would give me 36 hours. Naturally it makes it kind of difficult to quote what my annual income would be.
2. Is it possible to get a loan to cover the deposit on my mortgage? would it affect my eligibility. are there ways of getting around it?
3. what sort of criteria do you need for a 95% mortgage? is it more expensive?