first time buyer,100%,3yrs working experience!Please advice!


willie 1

Hi all,would anyone knows a mortgage provider that can give 100% mortgage for anyone with working experience in the UK,I've only been in ireland for about a year now,working permanent full time and I realize I might be here for some time and needs a home,but most mortgage providers are asking for 3 yrs working experience in ireland only!
Pls help,any information will be greatly appreciated.
Try going through a mortgage broker. I had only just returned to Ireland after years abroad and managed to secure a 100% mortgage no problem. I used REA.
Is there any reason why you can't rent for a couple of years and save, 100% morgages are very risky in the current climate.
depending on your circumstances, perhaps one or two of the banks might make an exception - for example if you can proove you were in employment for the last number of years in the UK. I would suggest talking to a good broker in your area - what part of the country are you in?
Shirley d - the OP didn't want advice on whether the 100% mortgage was a good idea or not...Simply wanted some advise on how to get the mortgage...

I used ifc finance (broker) Ivor,, very personable, and gave me the best options available, very pleased in the end with them.

They worked through every question with me to the end, I mean every little small question, very good customer service.

Could not recommend them more.

