Wrong forum First Provisional Driving Licence

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If a passport can be produced 'while-u-wait' (excepting IR disputes of course) why can't the same be done with the provisional driving licence.

Kildare County Council say it will take 2 full weeks to produce the licence; Dublin County Council give an undertaking on their website that you'll have it in 5 working days. What's the difference for heaven's sake?

Dublin CC say you cannot send in application to them if you live in Kildare; open to correction but I can't see this in any of the documentation?

If you can sit your Theory test in any centre, why can't you also apply for the Provisional Licence at any centre? Better still why can't the licences be processed by the same office as the Theory test?

Rant Mode: OFF
I cannot remember any occasion when I got a passport "while-you-wait", as a normal service. It can only be got in circumstances of genuine emergency
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